
The legendary video game turned into a board game, finally.

The objective is simple – eliminate the head of the Regime, The Fuhrer himself by any means necessary. Together with his allies, B.J. Blazkowicz will infiltrate the monumental Castle once again, killing every Nazi on their way.

Dungeon Crawler gameplay with random events

Co-opertaive adventure for your party

50+ prime quality miniatures in base game alone

End the Regime and set the world free

Play entire campaign or any of 10 missions – you decide

The miniatures

About US

We have loved miniatures ever since we were kids.

We’ve loved miniatures ever since we were kids.

We grew up with tabletop games and we have since decided to make our own. Archon Studio is dedicated to creating amazing games and miniatures, challenging ourselves with more complex and detailed designs with every project.

Our community is the lifeblood of Archon, receiving funds directly from our fans through crowdsource funding. Project after project, we create models in high quality plastic and resin, making them worth painting and assembling.

Our Address


raised on Kickstarter
$ 1
projects funded in total

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